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![]() Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Summary July 1999 [Summaries and Track Data] [Prepared by Gary Padgett] |
MONTHLY GLOBAL TROPICAL CYCLONE SUMMARY JULY, 1999 (For general comments about the nature of these summaries, as well as information on how to download the tabular cyclone track files, see the Author's Note at the end of this summary.) *********************************************************************** JULY HIGHLIGHTS --> North Pacific activity increases but average intensity quite weak *********************************************************************** ACTIVITY BY BASINS ATLANTIC (ATL) - North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico Activity for July: 1 tropical depression NOTE: Much of the information presented below was obtained from the TPC/NHC discussion bulletins issued with every regular advisory. All references to sustained winds imply a 1-min averaging period unless otherwise noted. Also, some information on Tropical Depression #2 was obtained from the preliminary report on this system already available on TPC/NHC's website. Atlantic Activity for July -------------------------- No named tropical storms or hurricanes were noted in the Atlantic basin during July, but there were a couple of significant tropical weather systems. The first was Tropical Depression #2 which formed from a tropical wave that had left the coast of Africa on 20 Jun. The wave reached the extreme western Caribbean Sea on 30 Jun and a broad area of mid-tropospheric turning was noted. The wave moved onto the Yucatan Peninsula on 1 Jul and a weak LOW moved out into the Bay of Campeche early on the 2nd. During the day deep convection became better organized and a tropical depression had formed by 1800 UTC about 200 nm southeast of Tampico, Mexico. The depression continued moving west-northwestward and the center had crossed the coast about 35 nm south-southeast of Tuxpan by 0400 UTC on 3 Jul. Reported rainfall totals ranged from 105 to 317 mm. There were no known casualties or significant damage. The second significant tropical weather system of July was a tropical wave which left the coast of Africa on the 3rd and moved rapidly westward across the Atlantic. The wave had reached the eastern Caribbean Sea on 8 Jul when it was investigated by U. S. Air Force Reserves Hurricane Hunters. The reconnaissance flight found flight-level and surface winds in excess of 45 kts in squalls, mainly west of the wave axis. This unusual wave was propagating westward at 20-25 kts--faster than the environmental easterly flow. As the wave approached Honduras early on 10 Jul it was becoming better organized. A reconnaissance flight found a weak low-pressure area just inland over northeastern Honduras with strong, gusty winds to the north and northeast of the LOW. Deep convection with cloud tops colder than -80 C had developed in bands within 120-240 nm of the center with weak to moderate convection near the surface center. Upper-level cirrus outflow had also become better defined. The surface LOW skimmed along the northern Honduran coast and inland over southern Belize and Guatemala. The system almost became a tropical depression and would likely have done so were it not for the fact that the area of minimum pressure remained inland or right along the coast. This tropical wave subsequently crossed Central America and moved out into the Eastern Pacific where it developed into a tropical depression (TD-03E). This tropical wave was likely prevented from developing into a tropical cyclone due to its very rapid translational speed. No doubt, relative to the wave axis, a circulation existed, but in order to qualify as a tropical cyclone a complete circulation must exist for a stationary point on the earth's surface--evidenced by a westerly wind on the equatorward side of the disturbance. Such strong gale-bearing tropical waves are not common, but they do occur occasionally in the Atlantic. A strong wave passed through the central Caribbean in September, 1992. Easterly winds to around 50 kts were reported by ships and a reconnaissance flight on the northern side of the disturbance when it was south of Hispaniola, but on the south side of the wave only easterly winds were reported. The tropical waves which produced Hurricanes Camille of 1969 and Erin of 1995 both contained sustained winds well above tropical storm force before a surface circulation had become established. In each case, when the surface circulation did develop, the system was upgraded immediately to a tropical storm. *********************************************************************** NORTHEAST PACIFIC (NEP) - North Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 180 Activity for July: 3 tropical depressions 1 tropical storm 1 hurricane NOTE: Much of the information presented below was obtained from the TPC/NHC discussion bulletins issued with every regular advisory (CPHC for locations west of 140W.) All references to sustained winds imply a 1-min averaging period unless otherwise noted. Some information was obtained from preliminary storm reports located on TPC/NHC's website. Northeast Pacific Activity for July ----------------------------------- One rather strong hurricane (Category 3 on the Saffir/Simpson Scale) plus four weak, short-lived systems roamed tropical Northeast Pacific waters during July. Beatriz became the region's second hurricane of 1999 and the first to become a major hurricane, but the storm remained far from any populated areas. The other four systems were quite weak and short-lived with Calvin being the other named storm during the month, and a minimal tropical storm at that. Due I suppose to the relative inactivity in the Atlantic and North- east Pacific basins during July and early August, the staff of TPC/NHC found time to prepare some preliminary reports for all the Northeast Pacific systems in July except for Hurricane Beatriz. I have used the analyzed Best Tracks from the preliminary storm reports on the other systems in the companion cyclone tracks file document. Tropical Depression 03E developed from the very active tropical wave which crossed the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Central America during early and mid-July. (See the section of this summary covering the Atlantic basin for a description of the early history of this system.) The tropical wave emerged into the Eastern Pacific on 13 Jul and was upgraded to a depression at 0600 UTC on the 14th when it was centered about 225 nm southwest of Manzanillo. The system at one point had a very large, impressive area of deep convection, but after the depression had formed it remained very ill-defined. TD-03E moved generally westward and dissipated around 15/1800 UTC about 450 nm southwest of Cabo San Lucas. After 1200 UTC on 14 July, the official Best Track positions differ by almost 100 nm from the operational warning positions, and the final advisory position at 15/1200 UTC is almost 200 nm south of the Best Track location for that time. Tropical Depression 04E formed on 23 July from a tropical wave which had entered the Pacific on 15 July. At 0000 UTC on the 23rd the center was about 1300 nm west-southwest of Cabo San Lucas. The depression moved generally westward and into the Central North Pacific region on 24 Jul, dissipating about 725 nm east-southeast of Hilo, Hawaii, by 25/0000 UTC. A tropical wave which left the African coast on 5 July, immediately behind the active wave which ultimately spawned TD-03E, crossed the Atlantic and Caribbean and eventually reached the Eastern Pacific where by 26 July it began to show increased convective organization. The first advisory on TD-06E placed the center about 1100 nm southwest of Cabo San Lucas at 1800 UTC on 26 Jul. The depression moved northwest- ward and encountered vertical shear which did not allow the system to intensify into a tropical storm. The depression had dissipated by 28/0000 UTC. Hurricane Beatriz (TC-02E) 9 - 16 July --------------------------- Hurricane Beatriz developed from an area of disturbed weather near the Gulf of Tehuantepec which was first mentioned by TPC/NHC on 6 Jul. The disturbed area drifted westward, slowly becoming better organized, and was upgraded to a tropical depression at 0600 UTC on 9 Jul when it was centered approximately 275 nm southwest of Acapulco, Mexico. The depression exhibited good outflow in all quadrants, and with Dvorak intensity estimates of T2.5 and T3.0 from TAFB and SAB, respectively, was upgraded to Tropical Storm Beatriz only six hours later. Tropical Storm Beatriz (Spanish form of Beatrice--pronounced "bay-ah-TREECE") continued moving westward and slowly intensified. A U. S. Navy FNMOC scatterometer pass indicated a wind of 41 kts about 150 nm northeast of the center around 1800 UTC on 10 Jul. Beatriz was upgraded to a hurricane at 1200 UTC on 11 Jul when the center was estimated to be about 575 nm south-southwest of Cabo San Lucas. By 12/0000 UTC cloud tops of -65 to -70 C were wrapping three-quarters of the way around the eye, and the MSW was estimated at 85 kts. The hurricane exhibited good banding features and outflow was well-developed in all quadrants except the northwest. Beatriz apparently underwent a concentric eyewall cycle during the 12th. By 1800 UTC the storm displayed a well-defined eye 21 nm in diameter and T-numbers from TAFB and SAB were up to T5.5, so the MSW was increased to 100 kts, making Beatriz the first major hurricane (Category 3 on the Saffir/Simpson scale) in the Eastern Pacific this season. Six hours later the eye had become even tighter and the intensity was set at 105 kts--the maximum reached by Beatriz--with an attendant estimated central pressure of 956 mb. Objective T-numbers were ranging around 5.6-5.7 during this time. At peak intensity Hurricane Beatriz was located about 775 nm southwest of Cabo San Lucas on the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. Hurricane Beatriz to this point had been moving on a course just north of due west, but now the storm began to turn to more of a west- northwesterly course. By 0600 UTC on 14 Jul Beatriz was nearing the 25 C SST isotherm, the eye was becoming ragged and convective tops were warming, so the MSW was decreased to 95 kts. Twenty-four hours later an eye was still visible, but the storm was beginning to weaken rapidly. Beatriz was downgraded to a tropical storm at 16/0000 UTC as satellite imagery showed the low-level circulation to be de-coupling from the mid- and upper-level convective circulation. Six hours later there were no convective tops colder than -50 C and a scatterometer pass found no winds higher than 30 kts except for perhaps near the center where there was no data available. Since Dvorak estimates were slightly higher, the MSW was set at 40 kts for the 0900 UTC advisory, but the storm was downgraded to a dissipating depression six hours later since all that remained was a tight swirl of low clouds. Dvorak numbers still supported minimal tropical storm intensity, but, as Lixion Avila pointed out in a Discussion Bulletin, the Dvorak estimates were constrained by rules which were not designed for weakening swirls over cool Eastern Pacific waters. The final advisory placed the dissipating system about 1300 nm west-southwest of Cabo San Lucas at 16/1800 UTC. Tropical Storm Calvin (TC-05E) 25 - 27 July ------------------------------- Tropical Storm Calvin was a "one-day wonder" which barely qualified as a tropical storm. The parent tropical wave left the African coast on 9 Jul and entered the Eastern Pacific on the 20th. A mid-level circulation was evident on the 23rd, and an elongated low-level center formed within the ITCZ on 24 Jul but did not exhibit enough organized convection to warrant depression classification. The first visible satellite images on 25 Jul revealed a low-level circulation center located on the northwest edge of a cluster of deep convection, so the disturbance was classified as a tropical depression. The first warning position, at 25/0600 UTC, placed the depression's center about 575 nm south-southwest of Cabo San Lucas. During this period the Pacific Ocean north of 16N and between 115W and 140W was dominated by a large, upper-level trough which was responsible for fairly strong northwesterly shearing over the region. Dvorak estimates from TAFB and SAB had reached 35 kts by 0600 on 26 Jul, so the depression was upgraded to Tropical Storm Calvin. However, the shearing persisted and Calvin soon began to weaken and was downgraded back to a depression only 12 hours later when satellite intensity estimates were 35 kts, 30 kts, and 25 kts, respectively, from TAFB, SAB, and AFGWC. This system moved on a west-northwesterly track through most of its existence, turning more to the northwest on 27 Jul. The 27/0300 UTC advisory noted that there had been a recent burst of convection near the center with the suggestion of a convective band extending from the east to the south of the center, but this feature did not persist for long. By 1500 UTC the weak low-level center appeared to be weakening into an open wave. The final Best Track position on Calvin, at 1200 UTC, places the dissipating center about 800 nm west-southwest of Cabo San Lucas. One interesting aspect of Tropical Storm Calvin is that operationally, Calvin was carried as a tropical storm only from 0600 UTC to 1800 UTC on 26 Jul, but according to the official Best Track, the tropical storm portion of the system runs from 25/1200 UTC through 26/0600 UTC. However, the Best Track's MSW never rises higher than 35 kts, which was the highest operationally assigned value. *********************************************************************** NORTHWEST PACIFIC (NWP) - North Pacific Ocean West of Longitude 180 Activity for July: 1 tropical depression 3 tropical storms ** 1 typhoon ** - two of these were classified as tropical storms only by JMA; JTWC carried them only as tropical depressions. NOTE: Most of the information on each cyclone's history presented in the narrative will be based upon JTWC's advisories, and references to winds should be understood as a 1-min avg MSW unless otherwise noted. However, in the accompanying tracking document I have made comparisons of coordinates with JMA (Japan) and the Philippines (PAGASA) when their positions differed from JTWC's by usually 40-50 nm or more. Also, as announced earlier in a separate posting, a column of 10-min avg MSW is included--the values being obtained from either PAGASA's or JMA's advisories. A special thanks to Michael V. Padua, owner of the Typhoon '99 webpage, for sending me the PAGASA and JMA tracks. In the title line for each storm I plan to reference all the cyclone names/numbers I have available: JTWC's depression number and name (if any), JMA's tropical storm numeric designator, and PAGASA's name for systems forming in or passing through their area of responsibility. Northwest Pacific Activity for July ----------------------------------- It was a month of interesting discrepancies between the various warning centers in matters of tropical cyclone classification. JTWC, which normally has the more liberal warning criteria, named only two tropical storms while JMA classified two other systems as tropical storms that were treated as only tropical depressions by JTWC. And during the early stages of Tropical Storm Neil, PAGASA had upgraded the disturbance to Tropical Storm Helming before JTWC had even initiated tropical depression warnings! One system was carried as a tropical depression by JTWC that was not warned on by any other agency (at least to the author's knowledge). This system, TD-08W, formed on 21 Jul about 200 nm north-northeast of Okinawa and moved generally northward and into the southwestern tip of the Korean peninsula. A track is given for this depression in the Global Tropical Cyclone Tracks file for July. Since two of the tropical depressions were treated as tropical storms by JMA, I will give them individual coverage below. Tropical Storm (TC-07W / TS 9904) 15 - 18 July ---------------------------------- The first unnamed tropical storm of July (as per JMA) can be traced to an area of disturbed weather which was located about 600 nm east- northeast of the Northern Marianas Islands on 13 Jul. By the 14th a very weak low-level circulation center was exposed to the northeast of a area of convection. The convection was drifting to the southwest and had good outflow aloft, and the Tropical Weather Outlook from JTWC indicated the possibility of a new center forming under this convection. JTWC issued the first tropical depression warning at 0000 UTC on 15 Jul, placing the low-level center about 500 nm east- northeast of the northern tip of the Marianas. The warning indicated that intensification of the depression was being hindered by some shearing as a result of its being caught between two subtropical ridges, one to the east and one to the west. The next warning relocated the depression's center to the north-northwest somewhat. Beginning around 1800 UTC on 15 July, TD-07W began moving on more of a west-northwesterly course which it maintained throughout most of its life. The depression was steered primarily by a subtropical ridge to its east-northeast, and remained in a moderate shearing environment created by an upper-level LOW to its northeast. JMA upgraded the depression to a tropical storm with 35-kt MSW (10-min avg) at 1800 UTC on 16 Jul and maintained it as a tropical storm for 30 hours. JTWC initially forecast the system to reach tropical storm status, but by 17/0000 UTC the forecast no longer called for this since the low- level center had become completely exposed 80 nm north-northwest of the strongest convection. Late on the 17th the system began moving on more of a northerly track in response to a passing trough to the north. Vertical shear increased and the depression began to rapidly dissipate. The final JTWC warning at 18/0600 UTC placed the dissipating center about 400 nm south-southeast of Tokyo. Discrepancies in warning positions between JMA and JTWC were greater than normal, and may give a clue as to why JMA happened to classify this disturbance as a tropical storm. Most of the time, especially during the tropical storm stage, JMA's position was generally about 70-80 nm southeast or south-southeast of JTWC's position. Since this system experienced mainly northwesterly shear, the main convective mass was usually southeast of JTWC's placement of the low-level center of circulation. If JMA's analysts were consistently assessing the low-level center to be nearer or under the deeper convection, then it is not surprising that they considered the system to be stronger than did JTWC. Tropical Storm Neil/Helming (TC-09W / STS 9905) 21 - 28 July ------------------------------------------------ A Significant Tropical Weather Outlook (STWO) from JTWC on 19 Jul mentioned a symmetrical area of convection located east of Luzon but there was no low-level circulation apparent. PAGASA initiated depression advisories on this disturbance at 0000 UTC on 21 Jul when it was located roughly 300 nm east-southeast of Cabo Engano (the northeastern tip of Luzon), naming the depression Helming. The system moved very little over the next couple of days, drifting very slowly northwestward. PAGASA upgraded Helming to a tropical storm the next day when the center was estimated to be about 250 nm east- southeast of Cabo Engano. By the 23rd PAGASA was reporting the MSW (10-min avg) to be 45 kts; yet the SWTO from JTWC on that day indicated a completely exposed low-level center about 100 nm north of the nearest deep convection with maximum winds in the area estimated at only 15-20 kts. This obviously represents a major disagreement between warning centers in interpretation of satellite imagery. PAGASA had dropped the winds back to 35 kts on 24 Jul, but the SWTO from JTWC indicated that convection had increased in areal coverage and a 24/0000 UTC surface analysis indicated a low-level circulation center might be present underneath the convection. A Formation Alert was issued at 24/2130 UTC and JTWC initiated depression warnings at 0600 UTC on 25 Jul when the center was estimated to be located about 200 nm south-southwest of Okinawa. At the same time PAGASA increased the 10-min MSW to 40 kts. The tropical cyclone at this time was located in a very active monsoon trough which extended from the South China Sea, across Luzon, and northeastward to a point southeast of Okinawa. The system to be known as TD-10W / TS 9906 was taking shape at this time within the trough in the South China Sea. The cyclone continued generally northward, steered by a subtropical ridge to its east. The center passed only about 20 nm east of Okinawa around 25/1800 UTC per JTWC's track (about 70 nm east per JMA's track). Kadena AB reported a sustained wind to 16 kts with gusts to 23 kts and a pressure of 986.4 mb as the system passed by. JTWC's MSW estimate was 30 kts at this time, while interestingly, JMA's 10-min avg MSW estimate was 50 kts--approximately equivalent to a 1-min avg MSW of 60 kts. The system was upgraded to Tropical Storm Neil at 26/0000 UTC, but JTWC's assigned MSW never rose higher than 40 kts. JTWC upgraded the system to a tropical storm based upon animated satellite imagery which indicated convection to the north of the center had consolidated and was wrapping around the center. Satellite current intensity estimates (received by JTWC) were around 30 kts, but apparently some synoptic reports indicated higher winds. After passing Okinawa Tropical Storm Neil turned to a course just west of due north in the direction of South Korea. The convection began to weaken as the storm moved over cooler SSTs. Neil passed just east of Cheju Island and moved over the extreme southwestern tip of South Korea around 0600 UTC on 27 Jul. The weakening system skimmed up the western coast of South Korea and made a final landfall about 20 nm southwest of Seoul around 28/0600 UTC. There was no significant convection associated with the system at this time, and scatterometer data and synoptic reports indicated winds no higher than 15 kts. Tropical Storm (TC-10W / TS 9906) 26 - 27 July ---------------------------------- The second unnamed tropical storm of July (as per JMA) was a short- lived system which formed in the northern South China Sea and quickly made landfall in southeastern China just east of Hong Kong. The daily STWO issued by JTWC first mentioned an area of convection on 21 Jul, located in the northern South China Sea west of Luzon. A mid-level circulation was detected but was not reflected at the surface. By the 23rd a small, low-level center was noted embedded in the monsoon trough. The next day some anticyclonic flow was developing over the region and convective organization was becoming slightly better. Synoptic data at 25/0000 UTC indicated possible multiple circulation centers in the South China Sea. JTWC issued the first tropical depression warning at 1800 UTC on 26 Jul, placing the center about 120 nm south-southwest of Hong Kong and with MSW set at 25 kts. Six hours later the system had moved northeastward and was located about 65 nm south-southeast of Hong Kong. JTWC still estimated the MSW to be 25 kts, but JMA upgraded the system to a tropical storm with 40-kt MSW (10-min avg). By 0600 UTC on the 27th the center of the tropical storm was almost on the coast of China about 60 nm east-northeast of Hong Kong. JMA's position at this time was slightly farther north and east. This was the last bulletin from JTWC, but JMA issued advisories through 1800 UTC, keeping the storm at 35 kts as it trekked north-northeastward through southeastern China. It is not known to the author whether or not JMA's MSW estimates were based upon synoptic reports. Typhoon Olga/Ising (TC-11W / TY 9907) 28 July - 3 August -------------------------------------- A STWO issued by JTWC at 0600 UTC on 25 Jul mentioned that an area of convection south of Guam was becoming better organized, and the 25/0000 UTC surface analysis indicated that a low-level circulation center might be forming. The SWTO for the next day, however, placed the primary area of convection almost 600 nm to the west, and there was no further indication of a circulation forming. JTWC issued a Formation Alert at 0230 UTC on 28 Jul, and this appears to be related to the previously mentioned disturbance. High-resolution visible satellite imagery depicted a low-level center, and PAGASA initiated tropical depression advisories at 0600 UTC, naming the depression Ising. Ising's center was east of the southern Philippines, about 430 nm east of Surigao, a city on the northern tip of Mindanao. Tropical Depression Ising began moving on a north-northwestward course which it followed for a couple of days, steered by a subtropical ridge to the northeast. Organization increased and JTWC initiated warnings at 29/0000 UTC. By 1800 UTC deep convection east of the Philippines was forming into a spiral band feeding into the depression. JTWC upgraded the system to Tropical Storm Olga at this time based on satellite intensity estimates of 30 kts and extrapolation of ship reports. PAGASA also upgraded Ising to a tropical storm at 1800 UTC. Olga/Ising's center was located at this time about 550 nm east-northeast of Catanduanes Island in the Philippines. Olga/Ising continued moving north-northwestward until it crossed 20N around 1200 UTC on the 30th; then the storm turned to more of a northwesterly track. The storm continued to slowly intensify, with PAGASA upgrading it to a typhoon at 31/0600 UTC when the center was estimated to be about 275 nm southeast of Okinawa. JTWC followed suit six hours later. Olga was initially forecast to become a rather intense typhoon, but its development was limited somewhat by dry air entrainment--the drier air likely resulting from subsidence associated with a TUTT. By 0600 UTC on 1 Aug the dry air entrainment ceased and Olga displayed a small, completely-formed eye. The typhoon had intensified slightly, reaching a peak MSW of 75 kts shortly before passing over the island of Okinawa. Typhoon Olga passed directly over Okinawa around 1200 UTC, causing it to weaken slightly, but it soon regained its 75-kt winds after exiting the island. By 2 Aug Olga's motion turned to more of a northerly course as a mid-latitude trough to its west deepened. The typhoon also began to accelerate. Olga passed just west of Cheju Island around 03/0000 UTC as it slowly weakened, due primarily to cooler SSTs. Olga passed near the southwestern tip of South Korea and then raced northward in the Yellow Sea, just brushing the western coast of South Korea. At 0600 UTC Kunsan AB reported gusts to 48 kts with a pressure of 984 mb. The storm was downgraded to a tropical storm at 1200 UTC with the low- level center displaced 112 nm from the nearest convection. By 1800 UTC, when JTWC and JMA each wrote the last advisory, Olga was inland over North Korea and rapidly losing tropical characteristics. Press reports located by the author indicate that 63 persons were killed or missing in South Korea from floods, landslides, and other rain-related accidents. Olga's passage through the country came on the heels of several days of torrential rains, and widespread flooding was reported throughout much of the nation. About 8500 homes were submerged in the floodwaters, and 25,000 persons were homeless. Agricultural losses were significant too--98,800 acres of rice paddies were reportedly washed away. Heavy rains associated with the storm also fell on North Korea, leading to widespread flooding there. The author has not received any information about the effects of Typhoon Olga during its passage over Okinawa. If anyone has any reports of the typhoon's passage over the island, please send them to me and I will include them in next month's summary. *********************************************************************** NORTH INDIAN OCEAN (NIO) - Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea Activity for July: 1 tropical depression ** ** - classified as a depression by IMD only NOTE: The tracking and intensity information for North Indian Ocean Basin tropical cyclones is based primarily upon operational warnings from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center of the U. S. Air Force and Navy (JTWC) at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Occasionally some information may be gleaned from the daily Tropical Weather Outlooks and other bulletins issued by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), which is the WMO's RSMC for the basin. The MSW are based on a 1-min averaging period, which is used by all U. S. civilian and military weather services for tropical cyclone warnings. For synoptic observations in the North Indian region, both 10-min and 3-min average winds are employed, but IMD makes no attempt to modify the Dvorak scale for estimating tropical cyclone intensity; hence, a 1-min avg MSW is implied. In the North Indian basin JTWC usually does not initiate warnings until a system is well-organized and likely to attain tropical storm status within 48 hours. North Indian Ocean Activity for July ------------------------------------ The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) classified one system as a depression during July. A low-pressure area formed in the northern Bay of Bengal on 26 Jul, and by 0300 UTC on the 27th had organized into a tropical depression about 100 nm south-southeast of Calcutta. The depression subsequently moved west-northwestward and inland into Orissa State near Dhiga early on 28 Jul. The system became somewhat better organized and was classified as a deep depression by IMD (basically meaning 30-kt winds). By 1200 UTC the system was inland and dissipating about 50 km northwest of Ranchi. This disturbance was mentioned by JTWC in their daily STWO's for the North Indian Ocean but was not classified as a tropical depression. *********************************************************************** SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN (SIO) - South Indian Ocean West of Longitude 90E Activity for July: No tropical cyclones *********************************************************************** AUSTRALIAN REGION (AUG) - From Longitude 90E Eastward to Longitude 160E Activity for July: No tropical cyclones *********************************************************************** SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (SWP) - South Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 160E Activity for July: No tropical cyclones *********************************************************************** EXTRA FEATURE In order to shorten the amount of typing in preparing the narrative material, I have been in the habit of freely using abbreviations and acronyms. I have tried to define most of these with the first usage in a given summary, but I may have missed one now and then. Most of these are probably understood by a majority of readers but perhaps a few aren't clear to some. To remedy this I developed a Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms which I included in the July, 1998 summary. I will include this glossary from time to time, primarily in "lean" months without a lot of tropical cyclone activity to cover. But if anyone missed receiving it and wishes to obtain a copy, send me an e-mail privately and I'll forward them a copy. *********************************************************************** AUTHOR'S NOTE: This summary should be considered a very preliminary overview of the tropical cyclones that occur in each month. The cyclone tracks (provided separately) will generally be based upon operational warnings issued by the various tropical cyclone warning centers. The information contained therein may differ somewhat from the tracking and intensity information obtained from a "best-track" file which is based on a detailed post-seasonal analysis of all available data. Information on where to find official "best-track" files from the various warning centers will be passed along from time to time. The track files are not being sent via e-mail. They can be retrieved in the following manner: (a) FTP to: [] (b) Login as: anonymous (c) For a password use your e-mail address (d) Go to "data" subdirectory (Type: cd data) (e) Set file type to ASCII (Type: ascii) (f) Transfer file (Type: get remote_file_name local_file_name ) (The files will be named with an obvious nomenclature--using July as an example: jul99.tracks) (g) To exit FTP, type: quit Both the summaries and the track files are standard text files created in DOS editor. Download to disk and use a viewer such as Notepad or DOS editor to view the files. The first summary in this series covered the month of October, 1997. If anyone wishes to retrieve any of the previous summaries, they may be downloaded from the aforementioned FTP site at HRD. The summary files are catalogued with the nomenclature: jul99.sum, for example. Back issues can also be obtained from the following websites (courtesy of Michael Bath, Michael V. Padua, Tom Berg, and Michael Pitt):>>>> Another website where much information about tropical cyclones may be found is the website for the UK Meteorological Office. Their site contains a lot of statistical information about tropical cyclones globally on a monthly basis. The URL is:> TROPICAL CYCLONE REPORTS AVAILABLE I have discovered that JTWC now has available on its new website the complete Annual Tropical Cyclone Report for 1997 (1996-1997 season for the Southern Hemisphere). Also, tracks only for the 1998 tropical cyclones are currently available. The URL is:> Also, TPC/NHC has available on its webpage nice "technicolor" tracking charts for the 1998 Atlantic and Eastern North Pacific tropical cyclones; also, preliminary storm reports for all the 1998 Atlantic and Eastern North Pacific cyclones are now available. The URL is:> Prepared by: Gary Padgett E-mail: Phone: 334-222-5327 (nights & weekends) / 850-882-2594 (weekdays) *********************************************************************** ***********************************************************************
Document: summ9907.htm
Updated: 4th January 2007 |
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