Tropical Cyclones
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Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Summary November 2007
[Summaries and Track Data] [Prepared by Gary Padgett]


                              NOVEMBER, 2007
                             First Installment

  (For general comments about the nature of these summaries, as well as
  information on how to download the tabular cyclone track files, see
  the Author's Note at the end of this summary.)

  NOTE!!!  The November summary is being issued in two installments.  The
  first covers the Atlantic and North Indian Ocean basins and the entire
  Southern Hemisphere, plus contains an extra feature.  The second
  installment will cover the Northwest Pacific basin.


                            NOVEMBER HIGHLIGHTS

   --> Southern Hemisphere season begins with three tropical cyclones
   --> Northwest Pacific quite active with four named storms
   --> Intense and deadly cyclone strikes Bangladesh



     Short reports with satellite pictures and small-scale maps for all 
  tropical cyclones may be found at the following links:>>>>>

  For some storms more detailed reports have been prepared.  In those cases
  I will include the specific links in the reports for the applicable
  tropical cyclones.


                    !!!!!!!!!! EXTRA FEATURE !!!!!!!!!!



     Tropical cyclones were unnamed in the Eastern North Pacific east
  of 140W prior to 1960.   In that year women's names were first used
  to identify tropical storms and hurricanes.     Four sets of names
  in alphabetical order (Q, U, X, Y, and Z being excluded) were drafted,
  and initially, the practice was to use all the names consecutively,
  as was being done in the Western North Pacific.

     The original four sets of names were:

   Set 1             Set 2             Set 3             Set 4
   -----             -----             -----             -----
   Annette           Ava               Adele             Agatha
   Bonny             Bernice           Blanca            Bridget
   Celeste           Claudia           Connie            Carlotta
   Diana             Doreen            Dolores           Denise
   Estelle           Emily             Eileen            Eleanor
   Fernanda          Florence          Francesca         Francene
   Gwen              Glenda            Gretchen          Georgette
   Hyacinth          Hazel             Helga             Hilary
   Iva               Irah              Ione              Ilsa
   Joanne            Jennifer          Joyce             Jewel
   Kathleen          Katherine         Kirsten           Katrina
   Liza              Lillian           Lorraine          Lily
   Madeline          Mona              Maggie            Monica
   Naomi             Natalie           Norma             Nanette
   Orla              Odessa            Orlene            Olivia
   Pauline           Prudence          Patricia          Priscilla
   Rebecca           Roslyn            Rosalie           Ramona
   Simone            Sylvia            Selma             Sharon
   Tara              Tillie            Toni              Terry
   Valerie           Victoria          Vivian            Veronica
   Willa             Wallie            Winona            Winifred

     Thus, in 1960 names from ANNETTE through HYACINTH were assigned;
  the 1961 storms ranged from IVA to TARA; 1962 - from VALERIE through
  DOREEN (in Set 2); 1963 - EMILY to MONA; and in 1964 only six tropical
  cyclones were named, beginning with NATALIE and concluding with TILLIE.

     In 1965, apparently shortly after the tropical storm season had
  gotten underway, the decision was made to begin cycling the sets on
  an annual rotation basis as was the practice in the Atlantic basin.
  The first two tropical storms were named VICTORIA and WALLIE, but
  instead of moving to Set 3 for the next storm, forecasters returned
  to the top of Set 2 and named the remaining cyclones of that season
  AVA through HAZEL.   In 1966 the third set was used, and the sets were
  then repeated every four years through the 1977 season.   New sets of
  names containing male and female names were initiated for the 1978
  season and continue in use to the present day.

     Very few names were ever retired from the old Eastern Pacific sets.
  HAZEL was removed after its 1965 usage and replaced with HEATHER in the
  list for 1969.    After being used in 1966 and 1970, ADELE was removed
  and replaced with ALETTA for 1974.    In 1970 the eleventh storm was
  named KRISTEN instead of KIRSTEN--whether this was unintentional or
  deliberate I do not know--but in 1974 the original spelling KIRSTEN
  was used once more.

     During the twelve seasons from 1966 through 1977 when the sets were
  being re-cycled annually and beginning with the letter 'A' each year,
  the LAST storm named in each season was as follows:

  Set 3:  1966 - Maggie       1970 - Selma        1974 - Rosalie
  Set 4:  1967 - Ramona       1971 - Sharon       1975 - Priscilla
  Set 1:  1968 - Tara         1972 - Liza         1976 - Naomi
  Set 2:  1969 - Jennifer     1973 - Lillian      1977 - Heather


     Tropical cyclones are infrequent in the Central North Pacific
  (between 140W and the Dateline). Even with complete satellite coverage,
  an average of only 1 to 2 per year are seen to develop in this region.
  Usually, around 3 to 4 storms from the Eastern Pacific will move into
  this region; and on very rare occasions, a visitor from the Western
  Pacific will cross the Dateline moving eastward.    In these cases, the
  original name is retained in warnings issued by the Central Pacific
  Hurricane Center in Honolulu.   For cyclones forming in the Central
  Pacific region, the history of naming has been as follows:

  (1) Prior to 1957 - In a couple of cases, storms were given Hawaiian

            Hiki (1950), Kanoa (1957)

  (2) Late 1957 through late 1970's - Storms forming in this region were
      given names "borrowed" from the typhoon naming list:

     1957 - Della **, Nina             1972 - June, Ruby **
     1959 - Clara, Dot, Wanda          1974 - Olive
     1967 - Sarah **                   1976 - Kate
     1970 - Dot                        1978 - Susan

     ** - storm moved west of Dateline to become typhoon or tropical                                              
         storm in the Western North Pacific

     (Between 1959 and 1967, there were some tropical storms in this
     region, but none were assigned names.)

  (3) Beginning in 1979, Hawaiian names were re-instated for storms forming
      in the Central North Pacific.  Five sets of Hawaiian names, using 
      only the 12 letters of the Hawaiian alphabet, were drafted with the
      intent being to cycle the sets on an annual rotation basis.  However,
      no tropical cyclones formed in this region during 1979, 1980 and 
      1981.  In early 1982, the original lists were scrapped and four sets
      consisting of shorter names were established.  Also, the allocation
      plan was changed to that of using all the names consecutively, such 
      as was being done in the Western North Pacific.

      Since 1982, storms named by the Central Pacific Hurricane Center
      have been:

      1982 - Akoni, Ema, Hana, Iwa     1994 - Li **, Mele, Nona
      1984 - Keli, Lala, Moke          1997 - Oliwa **, Paka **
      1985 - Nele                      2000 - Upana, Wene
      1987 - Oka, Peke **              2002 - Alika, Ele **, Huko **
      1988 - Uleki **, Wila            2006 - Ioke **
      1990 - Aka **
      1992 - Ekeka **, Hali, Iniki
      1993 - Keoni **

     ** - storm moved west of Dateline to become typhoon or tropical                                              
         storm in the Western North Pacific

      Names of the destructive Hawaiian hurricanes IVA (1982) and INIKI
      (1992) were retired and replaced with IO and IOLANA, respectively.
      However, in 2007 the Central Pacific list of names was revised with
      one-third of the names being replaced.  Some of the names replaced
      have already been used, others haven't.  The name IO, which was 
      chosen to replace IWA, was removed and replaced with IONA.

      Over the period 1982-2007, 28 names have been allocated, or an
      average of 1.08 per year.   At this rate, it will take about 44.5
      years to cycle through the entire list once.  However, if the period
      1966-2007 (the era of complete satellite coverage) is considered,
      there have been an average of 0.83 storms per year.  At that rate
      57.6 years would be required to make a complete cycle of the sets.


                             ACTIVITY BY BASINS

  ATLANTIC (ATL) - North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico

  Activity for November:  1 hurricane **

  ** - system formed in late October and was covered in the October summary

                   Atlantic Tropical Activity for November

     No tropical cyclones formed in the Atlantic during the month of
  November.  As the month opened, Tropical Storm Noel was strengthening
  as it moved northward through the western Bahamas.  The cyclone reached
  hurricane intensity on 2 November and accelerated north-northeastward,
  transforming into a large, severe extratropical cyclone which maintained
  hurricane-force winds until landfall in Nova Scotia.   A report on Noel,
  as well as links to online reports on the storm, may be found in Part 1
  of the October summary.

     During the period 5-10 November a non-tropical LOW south of the Azores
  developed convection which persisted for several days.    Intensity
  estimates using the Hebert-Poteat technique ran as high as 45-50 kts on
  9 November, but scatterometer data did not support winds that high.  The
  system never lost its baroclinic outer cloud envelope and is unlikely to
  be added as an after-the-fact subtropical storm.  (During real-time, this
  LOW was identified as Invest 92L.)

     There were a couple of well-organized tropical LOWs in the western
  Caribbean during the month:  one on 3-4 November (Invest 91L) and one
  around 11 November (Invest 93L).  However, neither was able to remain
  over water long enough to consolidate into a tropical depression.


  NORTHEAST PACIFIC (NEP) - North Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 180

  Activity for November:  No tropical cyclones

  NORTHWEST PACIFIC (NWP) - North Pacific Ocean West of Longitude 180

  Activity for November:  4 tropical depressions **
                          1 tropical storm
                          3 typhoons
  ** - two of these classified as tropical depressions by JMA only

  NOTE!!!  The Northwest Pacific basin will be covered in the second
           installment of the November summary.


  NORTH INDIAN OCEAN (NIO) - Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea

  Activity for November:  1 very intense cyclonic storm

              North Indian Ocean Tropical Activity for November

     As the month opened, weakening Tropical Cyclone 05A was moving west-
  ward through the west-central Arabian Sea.  The system continued to
  slowly weaken until dissipation near the Somalian coast on the 4th.  A
  report on this cyclone may be found in Part 1 of the October summary.
  The main event of the month in the North Indian Ocean was the very
  intense Cyclonic Storm Sidr which slammed into Bangladesh with winds
  estimated at 130 kts, resulting in much devastation and thousands of
  fatalities, possibly reaching as high as 10,000.  A detailed report
  on Cyclone Sidr is available at the following URL:>

  SOUTHWEST INDIAN OCEAN (SWI) - South Indian Ocean West of Longitude 90E

  Activity for November:  2 severe tropical storms **

  ** - one of these formed in the Australian Region and moved westward
       across 90E

                          Sources of Information

     The primary sources of tracking and intensity information for
  Southwest Indian Ocean tropical cyclones are the warnings issued by
  the Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre on La Reunion Island, part of
  Meteo France (MFR), and the Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre
  for the basin.    However, tropical cyclones in this region are named 
  by the Sub-regional Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centres in Mauritius and 
  Madagascar with longitude 55E being the demarcation line between their 
  respective areas of naming responsibility.  The La Reunion centre only 
  advises these agencies regarding the intensity of tropical systems.  
  References to sustained winds imply a 10-minute averaging period unless
  otherwise stated.

     In the companion tropical cyclone tracks file, I occasionally
  annotate positions from warnings issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning
  Center (JTWC) of the U. S. Air Force and Navy, located at Pearl
  Harbor, Hawaii, when they differ from MFR's coordinates by usually
  40-50 nm or more.  The JTWC warnings are also the source of the
  1-minute average maximum sustained wind values included in the
  tracks file.    Additionally, information describing details of
  satellite imagery and atmospheric circulation features included in
  the narratives is often gleaned from the JTWC warnings.

            Southwest Indian Ocean Tropical Activity for November

     Two severe tropical storms traversed Southern Hemisphere waters west
  of longitude 90E during November.   The first of these formed east of
  90E in the Australian region and was named Tropical Cyclone Lee.  After
  crossing 90E it was renamed Severe Tropical Storm Ariel and remained in
  the extreme eastern portion of the basin.  A report on Lee-Ariel may be
  found in the section of this summary covering the Southeast Indian Ocean/
  Northwest Australia region.   Around mid-month Severe Tropical Storm
  Bongwe formed deep in the tropics east of Diego Garcia, moving initially
  southward, then curving to the west-southwest.  Bongwe came close to
  reaching tropical cyclone (i.e., hurricane) intensity at one point.  A
  report on Bongwe follows.

                       SEVERE TROPICAL STORM BONGWE
                            (MFR-03 / TC-04S)
                             17 - 24 November

  Bongwe: name contributed by Malawi

     Severe Tropical Storm Bongwe formed during the lifetime of Severe
  Tropical Storm Lee-Ariel and followed a track which kept it far
  removed from any populated islands.  A satellite bulletin from SAB
  placed a developing LLCC about 180 nm northeast of Diego Garcia at
  2030 UTC 17 November.  The system began to show signs of intensification
  right away as it moved slowly southward.  Six hours later SAB's Dvorak
  rating was T2.5/2.5, and at 18/0600 UTC JTWC issued the first warning
  on TC-04S.  The 1-min avg MSW was estimated at 35 kts, and the center
  was located about 250 nm east of Diego Garcia.  MFR issued their first
  warning on Tropical Disturbance 03 at 18/1200 UTC, and six hours later
  upgraded it to a 30-kt tropical depression.  The Meteorological Service
  of Mauritius named the system Bongwe at 0600 UTC 19 November with the
  MSW estimated at 40 kts.  At the time of its upgrade the storm was
  centered approximately 325 nm east-southeast of Diego Garcia.  (JTWC was
  concurrently estimating a 1-min avg MSW of 55 kts, and on their next
  advisory at 19/1800 UTC upgraded Bongwe briefly to minimal hurricane
  status.)  During this time Bongwe was drifting southward and reached an
  initial peak intensity of 55 kts at 0000 UTC on the 20th.  Thereafter,
  shear increased and the storm began to weaken as it turned to more of a
  west-southwesterly track.

     Bongwe's intensity had dropped to 40 kts by 21/0000 UTC, but twelve
  hours later the system begin to re-intensify, reaching a peak intensity
  of 60 kts at 22/0600 UTC while located about 425 nm south-southwest of
  Diego Garcia.  Interestingly, JTWC's peak 1-min avg MSW for this second
  round of intensification was only 55 kts.   However, after peaking in
  intensity, Bongwe began to weaken fairly rapidly, weakening to tropical
  depression status at 1800 UTC on the 23rd.  JTWC issued their final
  warning on TC-04S at this time, and MFR issued their final bulletin
  on ex-Bongwe at 24/1200 UTC, placing the 25-kt center approximately
  425 nm north-northeast of Rodrigues Island.

     There are no known casualties or damage resulting from Severe Tropical
  Storm Bongwe.

  (Report written by Gary Padgett)



  Activity for November:  1 tropical cyclone **

  ** - system moved westward across 90E into the Southwest Indian Ocean

                          Sources of Information

     The primary sources of tracking and intensity information for
  Northwest Australia/Southeast Indian Ocean tropical cyclones are 
  the warnings and advices issued by the Tropical Cyclone Warning
  Centres at Perth, Western Australia, and Darwin, Northern Territory. 
  References to sustained winds imply a 10-minute averaging period
  unless otherwise stated.

     In the companion tropical cyclone tracks file, I occasionally
  annotate positions from warnings issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning
  Center (JTWC) of the U. S. Air Force and Navy, located at Pearl
  Harbor, Hawaii, when they differ from the Australian centres' coor-
  dinates by usually 40-50 nm or more.  The JTWC warnings are also the
  source of the 1-minute average maximum sustained wind values included
  in the tracks file.   Additionally, information describing details of
  satellite imagery and atmospheric circulation features included in
  the narratives is often gleaned from the JTWC warnings.

                 Northwest Australia/Southeast Indian Ocean
                       Tropical Activity for November

     One tropical cyclone formed in waters between 90E and 135E during the
  month of November.  The system was christened Tropical Cyclone Lee by
  BoM Perth, but soon moved westward into the Southwest Indian Ocean basin
  where it was renamed Ariel by Mauritius.  A report on Tropical Cyclone
  Lee-Ariel follows.

                              (TC-03S / MFR-02)
                               13 - 22 November

     The Perth TCWC began issuing warnings on a developing tropical LOW
  on 13 November located about 500 nm northwest of the Cocos Islands.  The
  system was well within Jakarta's AOR, but that warning agency had not
  quite gotten ready to issue warnings on tropical cyclones.  The system
  drifted generally southward as it slowly strengthened, and Perth upgraded
  it to Tropical Cyclone Lee at 14/1200 UTC, locating the center roughly
  400 nm northwest of the Cocos Islands.  JTWC issued their first warning
  on TC-03S six hours later.   Lee initially intensified rather rapidly,
  becoming a 50-kt Category 2 cyclone (Australian scale) by 15/0000 UTC.
  The cyclone at this time was located just inside the Australian AOR,
  moving steadily south-southwestward.  By 1200 UTC the storm had crossed
  90E and was renamed Ariel by the Meteorological Service of Mauritius.
  (While east of 90E, the system was known as Tropical Cyclone Lee, as
  any system with central 10-min avg winds exceeding 34 kts is classified
  as a tropical cyclone.  However, in the Southwest Indian basin, a
  tropical system is not classified as a tropical cyclone until winds
  reach hurricane force, i.e., 64 kts.  Hence, the double classification
  in the title line above.)

     Shortly after entering the Southwest Indian basin at a point about
  450 nm west of the Cocos Islands, Severe Tropical Storm Lee-Ariel's
  forward motion slowed considerably, and the system commenced a slow
  westward drift.   The intensity remained at its 50-kt peak for about
  two days, then began to weaken rapidly as the environment became very
  unfavorable.  (JTWC's peak 1-min avg MSW for Lee-Ariel was 65 kts at
  15/1800 and 16/0600 UTC.)  MFR still estimated the intensity at 50 kts
  at 16/1800 UTC--twelve hours later Ariel was downgraded to a tropical
  depression located about 575 nm west of the Cocos Islands.   After
  weakening ex-Ariel recurved to the southeast.   Both MFR and JTWC issued
  their final warnings on the system at 18/1800 UTC.  The remnants of
  Lee-Ariel turned to the east-northeast and continued to produce
  occasional flare-ups of deep convection.  The system moved back into
  Perth's AOR on the 20th, and the STWO issued by that agency on
  22 November indicated a moderate potential for regeneration, but this
  was reduced to 'low' the next day.  The remnant LOW remained quasi-
  stationary about 300 nm south-southwest of the Cocos Islands through
  the 25th as it slowly filled.

     No damage or casualties are known to have resulted from Tropical
  Cyclone Lee-Ariel.

  (Report written by Gary Padgett)



  Activity for November:  1 severe tropical cyclone

                      Northeast Australia/Coral Sea
                      Tropical Activity for November

     One tropical cyclone formed in waters between 135E and 160E during the
  month of November.  The system formed just south of Papua New Guinea and
  was named Guba by the Port Moresby TCWC.  Guba was the first tropical
  cyclone to be named by that agency since Tropical Cyclone Epi in June,
  2003, and was the first cyclone in the Coral Sea during the month of
  November since 1977.  While the storm remained at sea, related torrential
  rains led to at least 170 deaths in Papua New Guinea.  A detailed report 
  on Severe Tropical Cyclone Guba is available at the following URL:>


  SOUTH PACIFIC (SPA) - South Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 160E

  Activity for November:  2 tropical depressions

                 South Pacific Tropical Activity for November

     Two systems were classified as tropical depression by RSMC Nadi during
  November.  The first, Tropical Depression 02F, was weak and short-lived.
  TD-02F formed west of the Dateline on the 20th, but did not develop any
  further.  Convection was disorganized, shear was high, and SSTs were on 
  the cool side.  The last bulletin on TD-02F was issued on 22 November, and 
  no track was included for this system in the companion cyclone tracks file.

     Tropical Depression 03F was a long-lived and, most of the time, rather
  nebulous system which drifted across much of the South Pacific.  The
  system was first classified on 24 November just west of Vanuatu.  Over
  the next couple of days it drifted generally eastward.  Dvorak ratings
  from CPHC and Brisbane reached T2.0/2.0 on the 24th and 25th, but JTWC's
  peak for this phase was T1.5/1.5.   The depression subsequently weakened
  as it drifted eastward, and the center was significantly relocated from
  15.0S/179.5E at 29/0600 UTC (just northeast of Fiji) to 17.0S/173.0W at
  29/1800 UTC (well south-southwest of Samoa).  Likely a new LLCC had
  formed and become the dominant center.  TD-03F continued to drift east-
  ward through 1 December before accelerating off to the southeast.  JTWC's
  Dvorak rating reached T2.5/2.5 at 1730 UTC on 1 December, and SAB�s had
  reached T2.5/2.5 by 01/0822 UTC and peaked at T3.0/3.0 that same day.
  So, based on a 1-min avg MSW, this system was quite possibly a minimal
  tropical storm on the 1st and 2nd of December.  No warnings were issued
  for this system by JTWC.  Fiji issued its last warning at 02/2100 UTC
  with the center near 21.5S/153.0W.  The center had become exposed and
  the system was encountering cool, dry inflow.

  NOTE: The information on TD-02F was taken from the Wikipedia website.
  The information on TD-03F was taken from the track I had prepared for the
  companion cyclone tracks file, which of course was based on the warnings
  issued by RSMC Nadi as well as satellite fix bulletins from the various
  agencies.  I lost all the warnings I had saved when my computer�s hard
  drive crashed in mid-May.



     The purpose of this section is to list some websites where many and
  varied types of tropical cyclone information are archived.  Many readers
  will know about these already, but for the benefit of those who don't,
  I wanted to include them. 

  (1) Aircraft Reconnaissance Information

     Various types of messages from reconnaissance aircraft may be
  retrieved from the following FTP site:>

     Information regarding how to interpret the coded reconnaissance
  messages may be found at the following URL:>

  Links are also included to websites with further information about the
  U. S. Air Force 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron and the NOAA Air-
  craft Operations Center.

  (2) Archived Advisories

     All the advisory products (public advisories, forecast/advisories,
  strike probabilities, discussions, various graphics) issued by TPC/NHC
  are archived on TPC's website.  For the current year (using 2004 as an
  example), the archived products can be found at:>

  Links to tropical products archives for earlier years are available at
  the following URL:>

  JTWC warnings for past storms are archived on the NRL Monterrey website:>

  On the NRL site, the link to past years can be found in the upper left 
  corner of the screen.

     I am not aware at the moment of any other TCWC which archives all
  its tropical cyclone warning/advisory products for public access, but
  if I learn of any, I will add them to this list.

  (3) Satellite Imagery

     Satellite images of tropical cyclones in various sensor bands are
  available on the NRL Monterrey and University of Wisconsin websites,
  courtesy of Jeff Hawkins and Chris Velden and their associates.  The
  links are:>>

  On the NRL site, the link to past years can be found in the upper left 
  corner of the screen.  For the CIMSS site, a link to data archives is 
  located in the lower left portion of the screen.

     Additional tropical satellite imagery, along with looping ability for
  composite microwave imagery for the Western Hemisphere north of the
  equator, can be found at:

  (1) For the Eastern North Pacific:>

  (2) For the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea:>

  (4) Cyclone Tracking Information

     There is a U. S. Navy site that tracks tropical cyclones at 6-hourly
  intervals which often includes pre and post-advisory positions.  The
  link to the site is:>

     Steve Young has compiled many of these tracks onto a single webpage
  which is very user-friendly:>

     I'm sure there are other sites with available imagery available, and
  as I learn of them, I will add the links to this list.


                               EXTRA FEATURE

     In order to shorten the amount of typing in preparing the narrative
  material, I have been in the habit of freely using abbreviations and
  acronyms.   I have tried to define most of these with the first usage
  in a given summary, but I may have missed one now and then.  Most of
  these are probably understood by a majority of readers but perhaps a
  few aren't clear to some.  To remedy this I developed a Glossary of
  Abbreviations and Acronyms which I first included in the August, 1998
  summary.  I don't normally include the Glossary in most months in
  order to help keep them from being too long.  If anyone would like to
  receive a copy of the Glossary, please e-mail me and I'll be happy
  to send them a copy.


  AUTHOR'S NOTE:  This summary should be considered a very preliminary 
  overview of the tropical cyclones that occur in each month. The cyclone
  tracks (provided separately) will generally be based upon operational
  warnings issued by the various tropical cyclone warning centers.  The
  information contained therein may differ somewhat from the tracking and
  intensity information obtained from a "best-track" file which is based
  on a detailed post-seasonal analysis of all available data. Information
  on where to find official "best-track" files from the various warning
  centers will be passed along from time to time.

    The track files are not being sent via e-mail.  They can be retrieved
  from the archive sites listed below.  (Note: I do have a limited e-mail
  distribution list for the track files.    If anyone wishes to receive
  these via e-mail, please send me a message.)

    Both the summaries and the track files are standard text files
  created in DOS editor.  Download to disk and use a viewer such as
  Notepad or DOS editor to view the files.

     The first summary in this series covered the month of October,
  1997.   Back issues can be obtained from the following websites
  (courtesy of Michael Bath, Michael V. Padua, Michael Pitt, and
  Chris Landsea):>>>>

     Another website where much information about tropical cyclones may
  be found is the website for the UK Meteorological Office.  Their site
  contains a lot of statistical information about tropical cyclones
  globally on a monthly basis.  The URL is:>


     JTWC now has available on its website the Annual Tropical Cyclone
  Report (ATCR) for 2006 (2005-2006 season for the Southern Hemisphere).
  ATCRs for earlier years are available also.

     The URL is:>

     Also, TPC/NHC has available on its webpage nice "technicolor"
  tracking charts for the 2007 Atlantic and Eastern North Pacific
  tropical cyclones; also, storm reports for all the 2007 Atlantic
  and Eastern North Pacific cyclones are now available, as well as
  track charts and reports on storms from earlier years. 

     The URL is:>

     A special thanks to Michael Bath of McLeans Ridges, New South Wales,
  Australia, for assisting me with proofreading the summaries.


  Gary Padgett
  Phone:  334-222-5327

  Kevin Boyle  (Northwest Pacific)

  Simon Clarke  (Northeast Australia/Coral Sea, South Pacific)


Document: summ0711.htm
Updated: 13th July 2008

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