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![]() Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Tracks September 2007 [Summaries and Track Data] [Prepared by Gary Padgett] |
GLOBAL TROPICAL CYCLONE TRACKS - SEPTEMBER 2007 !!!! IMPORTANT -- PLEASE SEE NOTE AT END OF FILE !!!! ************************************************************************* ATLANTIC (ATL) - North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico Sources of Information ---------------------- The track coordinates, central pressure and 1-minute average maximum sustained wind values were obtained from the operational forecast/advisories issued by the Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center located in Miami, Florida. A 1-minute averaging period is the standard used by all U. S. civilian and military warning services for tropical cyclone warnings. Systems Tracked --------------- Hurricane FELIX (06) 31 Aug - 05 Sep Tropical Storm GABRIELLE (07) 04 - 12 Sep Tropical Storm INGRID (08) 12 - 18 Sep Hurricane HUMBERTO (09) 12 - 14 Sep Tropical Depression (10) 18 - 22 Sep Tropical Storm JERRY (11) 20 - 25 Sep Tropical Storm KAREN (12) 25 - 30 Sep Hurricane LORENZO (13) 25 - 28 Sep Tropical Storm MELISSA (14) 28 Sep - 02 Oct ************************************************************************* Storm Name: FELIX Cyclone Number: 06 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 AUG 31 1800 11.6 N 57.9 W 1008 30 07 SEP 01 0000 11.9 N 59.3 W 1008 30 07 SEP 01 0600 12.2 N 61.2 W 1008 30 07 SEP 01 1200 12.3 N 62.8 W 1004 40 Upgraded at 0900Z 07 SEP 01 1800 12.5 N 64.5 W 999 60 07 SEP 02 0000 12.6 N 66.1 W 993 65 07 SEP 02 0600 12.7 N 67.8 W 987 70 MSW 85 kts at 0730Z 07 SEP 02 1200 13.0 N 69.3 W 981 85 07 SEP 02 1800 13.4 N 71.2 W 964 110 07 SEP 03 0000 13.8 N 73.0 W 934 145 120 kts/956 mb at 2100Z 07 SEP 03 0600 14.0 N 74.9 W 935 145 07 SEP 03 1200 14.2 N 76.9 W 937 145 929 mb at 0900Z 07 SEP 03 1800 14.2 N 78.7 W 950 125 07 SEP 04 0000 14.4 N 80.4 W 953 115 07 SEP 04 0600 14.3 N 81.9 W 941 130 07 SEP 04 1200 14.3 N 83.2 W 935 140 Moving inland 07 SEP 04 1800 14.2 N 84.4 W 962 85 MSW 105 kts at 1500Z 07 SEP 05 0000 14.1 N 85.4 W 982 50 MSW 65 kts at 2100Z 07 SEP 05 0600 14.0 N 86.5 W 995 35 45 kts/987 mb at 0300Z 07 SEP 05 0900 14.0 N 87.0 W 1004 25 Final NHC advisory Note: No intermediate bulletin was issued at 05/0600 UTC. The position for that hour was of course obtained from the 05/0900 UTC Forecast/ Advisory. The CP and MSW estimates however are basically an average between the 0300 and 0900 UTC values for those parameters. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: GABRIELLE Cyclone Number: 07 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 04 0000 30.0 N 78.0 W 1011 20 Non-tropical LOW 07 SEP 04 0600 30.0 N 77.0 W 1011 25 07 SEP 04 1200 30.0 N 76.0 W 1010 25 07 SEP 04 1800 29.0 N 74.0 W 1009 25 07 SEP 05 0000 29.0 N 74.0 W 1008 30 07 SEP 05 0600 29.0 N 73.0 W 1008 30 07 SEP 05 1200 29.0 N 72.0 W 1008 30 07 SEP 05 1800 29.0 N 70.0 W 1008 30 07 SEP 06 0000 30.0 N 70.0 W 1008 30 07 SEP 06 0600 29.0 N 69.0 W 1008 25 07 SEP 06 1200 29.0 N 69.0 W 1009 20 07 SEP 06 1800 29.0 N 69.0 W 1009 20 07 SEP 07 0000 28.0 N 70.0 W 1011 25 07 SEP 07 0600 28.0 N 70.0 W 1012 25 07 SEP 07 1200 29.0 N 70.0 W 1012 25 07 SEP 07 1800 29.0 N 70.0 W 1011 25 07 SEP 08 0000 30.1 N 71.7 W 1011 40 Class. as ST storm 07 SEP 08 0600 30.6 N 73.0 W 1011 40 07 SEP 08 1200 31.2 N 73.8 W 1011 40 07 SEP 08 1800 31.8 N 74.1 W 1009 40 07 SEP 09 0000 32.7 N 75.4 W 1009 35 Class. as TS at 2100Z 07 SEP 09 0600 33.5 N 75.9 W 1005 35 07 SEP 09 1200 34.2 N 76.4 W 1005 45 07 SEP 09 1800 35.3 N 76.3 W 1006 45 Inland/See Note #1 07 SEP 10 0000 36.0 N 75.8 W 1007 40 07 SEP 10 0600 36.7 N 75.0 W 1009 35 See Note #2 07 SEP 10 1200 37.0 N 73.8 W 1009 30 Downgraded at 0900Z 07 SEP 10 1800 37.3 N 71.9 W 1009 30 07 SEP 11 0000 37.8 N 69.8 W 1008 30 07 SEP 11 0600 38.6 N 67.8 W 1008 30 07 SEP 11 1200 39.1 N 66.5 W 1008 30 Final NHC advisory 07 SEP 11 1800 40.0 N 64.0 W 1008 30 OPC warnings 07 SEP 12 0000 42.0 N 62.0 W 1006 30 Note #1: Based upon GPS dropsonde and FLW data from a reconnaissance aircraft which departed the storm shortly before the center moved inland around 1545 UTC, it appears that Gabrielle probably peaked at 50 kts with the strongest winds over water south of the center as it approached the North Carolina coast. Note #2: No intermediate bulletin was issued at 0600 UTC, and Gabrielle was downgraded to depression status at 0900 UTC. However, based on a peak recon FLW of 53 kts at 0247 UTC, it seems likely that the system was still a tropical storm at 0600 UTC. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: INGRID Cyclone Number: 08 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 12 1200 13.1 N 44.2 W 1007 30 07 SEP 12 1800 13.4 N 45.0 W 1006 30 07 SEP 13 0000 13.3 N 46.1 W 1006 30 07 SEP 13 0600 13.8 N 47.1 W 1006 30 07 SEP 13 1200 13.8 N 47.7 W 1006 30 See Note #1 07 SEP 13 1800 14.1 N 48.2 W 1006 30 07 SEP 14 0000 14.6 N 48.5 W 1002 35 07 SEP 14 0600 14.9 N 49.0 W 1002 35 07 SEP 14 1200 15.1 N 49.7 W 1004 45 See Note #2 07 SEP 14 1800 15.4 N 50.3 W 1004 40 " 07 SEP 15 0000 15.7 N 51.1 W 1005 35 07 SEP 15 0600 16.3 N 52.3 W 1006 35 07 SEP 15 1200 16.3 N 53.3 W 1006 30 07 SEP 15 1800 16.4 N 54.6 W 1006 30 07 SEP 16 0000 16.8 N 55.3 W 1006 30 07 SEP 16 0600 16.9 N 56.4 W 1006 30 07 SEP 16 1200 17.1 N 57.5 W 1006 30 07 SEP 16 1800 17.3 N 58.2 W 1006 30 07 SEP 17 0000 17.3 N 59.0 W 1010 25 07 SEP 17 0600 17.4 N 59.7 W 1010 25 Final NHC advisory 07 SEP 17 1200 18.0 N 60.0 W 1010 20 07 SEP 17 1800 18.0 N 61.0 W 1010 20 07 SEP 18 0000 18.0 N 61.5 W 1011 20 07 SEP 18 0600 18.0 N 62.0 W 1010 20 07 SEP 18 1200 19.0 N 62.0 W 1012 20 Note #1: A 13/0900 UTC QuikScat pass indicated a few unflagged 35-kt wind vectors just east and south of the center, suggesting that TD-08 could have been a tropical storm for a few hours. However, by the 1500 UTC advisory time, the system's satellite appearance suggested weakening. Note #2: The 14/1500 UTC advisory MSW was 40 kts. However, earlier (at 1118 UTC) the SFMR reported winds to 51 kts in the SW quadrant, and T-numbers from SAB and TAFB were T3.0 at 1200 UTC. Given that by the 1500 UTC advisory time, the system's satellite signature was beginning to degrade a little due to increasing shear, it seems very possible that 45 kts is a good estimate for the MSW at 1200 UTC. Similarly, the MSW was not reduced to 35 kts until the 2100 UTC advisory, so I have retained the 1500 UTC value of 40 kts for the 1800 UTC synoptic hour data point. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: HUMBERTO Cyclone Number: 09 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 12 1200 27.8 N 95.2 W 1006 30 07 SEP 12 1800 28.3 N 95.0 W 1005 40 07 SEP 13 0000 28.8 N 94.8 W 998 45 07 SEP 13 0600 29.5 N 94.4 W 992 70 MSW 55 kts at 0300Z 07 SEP 13 1200 30.3 N 93.6 W 987 70 Inland/See Note #1 07 SEP 13 1800 31.0 N 92.9 W 997 40 See Note #2 07 SEP 13 2100 31.4 N 92.6 W 1003 30 Final NHC advisory 07 SEP 14 0300 31.8 N 91.5 W 1007 22 HPC advisory 07 SEP 14 0900 32.5 N 91.2 W 1008 17 07 SEP 14 1500 32.8 N 89.3 W 1010 13 07 SEP 14 2100 34.0 N 85.0 W 1012 13 Final HPC advisory Note #1: The center of Hurricane Humberto crossed the Texas coast just east of High Island at 0700 UTC with the MSW estimated at 75 kts. The lowest CP measured by recon shortly before landfall was 986 mb. Note #2: Humberto was downgraded to a tropical storm in the 1500 UTC advisory, when the CP and MSW were estimated at 990 mb and 55 kts, respectively. The values above for the 1800 UTC synoptic hour data point represent an interpolation between the 1500 and 2100 UTC advisory estimates. No intermediate bulletin was issued at 1800 UTC. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: None Cyclone Number: 10 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 18 1800 26.0 N 79.0 W 1012 25 From High Seas Fcsts 07 SEP 19 0000 25.0 N 79.0 W 1010 25 07 SEP 19 0600 26.0 N 80.0 W 1009 25 07 SEP 19 1200 27.0 N 80.0 W 1010 20 07 SEP 19 1800 28.0 N 80.0 W 1008 20 07 SEP 20 0000 28.0 N 81.0 W 1007 20 Inland 07 SEP 20 0600 28.0 N 82.0 W 1008 25 07 SEP 20 1200 27.0 N 84.0 W 1007 25 Over Gulf of Mexico 07 SEP 20 1800 27.0 N 84.0 W 1005 25 07 SEP 21 0000 27.0 N 84.0 W 1005 25 07 SEP 21 0600 28.0 N 85.0 W 1005 30 07 SEP 21 1200 28.7 N 85.3 W 1004 30 Subtropical depression 07 SEP 21 1800 29.7 N 86.1 W 1006 30 Tropical depression 07 SEP 22 0000 30.4 N 86.7 W 1005 30 Moving inland 07 SEP 22 0300 30.6 N 87.1 W 1005 25 Final NHC advisory 07 SEP 22 0900 30.9 N 88.2 w 1008 13 Final HPC advisory ************************************************************************* Storm Name: JERRY Cyclone Number: 11 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 20 1200 32.0 N 50.0 W 1012 25 OPC wrng/non-tropical 07 SEP 20 1800 33.0 N 48.0 W 1009 25 07 SEP 21 0000 33.0 N 46.0 W 1011 25 07 SEP 21 0600 34.0 N 46.0 W 1010 25 07 SEP 22 1800 36.0 N 44.0 W 1008 30 See Note #1 07 SEP 23 0000 37.0 N 46.0 W 1009 30 07 SEP 23 0600 36.2 N 46.1 W 1007 30 NHC adv/subtrop dep 07 SEP 23 1200 36.0 N 46.3 W 1004 35 Subtropical storm 07 SEP 23 1800 36.5 N 46.3 W 1004 35 07 SEP 24 0000 37.1 N 46.3 W 1004 35 Tropical storm 07 SEP 24 0600 38.1 N 45.9 W 1004 35 07 SEP 24 1200 39.0 N 45.0 W 1004 30 07 SEP 24 1800 41.0 N 43.5 W 1003 30 07 SEP 25 0000 43.2 N 40.0 W 1000 40 07 SEP 25 0300 44.5 N 37.5 W 1000 40 See Note #2 Note #1: The gap in the track from 21/0600 to 22/1800 UTC was due to a computer problem with the WX-ATLAN e-mail list through which the author receives the OPC High Seas Forecasts. Note #2: From the 25/0300 UTC NHC discussion: "A QuikScat pass at 24/2136 UTC indicated that the circulation of Jerry had opened up into a sharp trough within the southwesterly flow ahead of a large extratropical LOW. Consequently, Jerry is no longer a tropical cyclone and this is the last advisory. As Jerry accelerated this evening, maximum winds at the base of the trough increased to about 40 kts according to the QuikScat data; hence, the apparent upgrade back to a tropical storm. The remnants of Jerry should continue to race northeastward and become further entrained into the extratropical circulation." ************************************************************************* Storm Name: KAREN Cyclone Number: 12 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 25 0000 9.9 N 35.7 W 1006 30 07 SEP 25 0600 10.3 N 37.2 W 1005 35 07 SEP 25 1200 10.6 N 38.0 W 1005 35 07 SEP 25 1800 10.9 N 39.2 W 1005 35 07 SEP 26 0000 10.9 N 40.4 W 1005 35 07 SEP 26 0600 11.1 N 41.5 W 1000 45 07 SEP 26 1200 11.7 N 42.4 W 990 60 07 SEP 26 1800 12.1 N 43.1 W 990 60 07 SEP 27 0000 12.8 N 44.6 W 996 60 See Note 07 SEP 27 0600 13.3 N 46.1 W 998 55 07 SEP 27 1200 13.5 N 46.8 W 1004 55 07 SEP 27 1800 14.2 N 47.9 W 1005 50 07 SEP 28 0000 14.6 N 49.0 W 1005 50 07 SEP 28 0600 14.0 N 49.4 W 1008 40 07 SEP 28 1200 14.6 N 49.0 W 1009 35 07 SEP 28 1800 16.0 N 49.3 W 1008 35 07 SEP 29 0000 16.0 N 51.5 W 1008 35 Relocation 07 SEP 29 0600 16.3 N 52.5 W 1008 35 07 SEP 29 1200 16.5 N 53.5 W 1009 30 07 SEP 29 1800 17.0 N 54.0 W 1009 30 Final NHC advisory 07 SEP 30 0000 16.0 N 54.0 W 1009 25 From Trop WX Discussion 07 SEP 30 0600 16.0 N 53.0 W 1010 25 Remnant LOW 07 SEP 30 1200 18.0 N 56.0 W 1012 20 07 SEP 30 1800 17.0 N 58.0 W 1011 20 Note: A NOAA Hurricane Hunter plane investigating Karen during the evening of the 26th found surface winds of 62 kts. Given that the storm's satellite appearance was significantly degraded from earlier in the day, it is highly likely that Karen had been a hurricane, and this will likely be reflected in the Best Track to be prepared during post- season analysis. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: LORENZO Cyclone Number: 13 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 25 1800 21.8 N 94.8 W 1010 25 07 SEP 26 0000 21.8 N 95.3 W 1008 25 07 SEP 26 0600 21.1 N 95.0 W 1008 25 07 SEP 26 1200 21.0 N 95.0 W 1006 30 07 SEP 26 1800 21.2 N 94.4 W 1009 30 07 SEP 27 0000 21.3 N 94.7 W 1007 30 07 SEP 27 0600 20.8 N 94.8 W 1009 30 07 SEP 27 1200 20.6 N 95.0 W 1008 30 07 SEP 27 1800 20.5 N 95.7 W 1004 50 07 SEP 28 0000 20.5 N 96.2 W 993 65 07 SEP 28 0600 20.5 N 97.1 W 990 70 Inland in Mexico 07 SEP 28 1200 20.5 N 98.0 W 1000 35 07 SEP 28 1800 20.7 N 98.7 W 1005 25 Downgraded at 1500Z 07 SEP 28 2100 20.8 N 99.0 W 1008 20 Note: No intermediate bulletin was issued at 28/1800 UTC. The MSW and CP given above are interpolations from the 1500 and 2100 UTC values. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: MELISSA Cyclone Number: 14 Basin: ATL Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 28 1200 14.0 N 26.2 W 1008 30 07 SEP 28 1800 14.0 N 26.7 W 1008 30 07 SEP 29 0000 14.2 N 27.2 W 1008 30 07 SEP 29 0600 14.1 N 27.3 W 1005 35 07 SEP 29 1200 15.0 N 28.1 W 1005 35 07 SEP 29 1800 15.3 N 29.0 W 1005 35 07 SEP 30 0000 15.6 N 29.7 W 1003 40 07 SEP 30 0600 16.2 N 30.9 W 1005 35 07 SEP 30 1200 15.9 N 32.0 W 1007 25 07 SEP 30 1800 16.1 N 33.4 W 1007 25 Final NPC advisory 07 OCT 01 0000 16.0 N 34.0 W 1009 25 Remnant LOW 07 OCT 01 0600 16.0 N 36.0 W 1009 25 07 OCT 01 1200 17.0 N 37.0 W 1010 25 SAB: T2.0/2.0 07 OCT 01 1800 17.0 N 38.0 W 1012 25 07 OCT 02 0000 17.0 N 40.0 W 1013 25 07 OCT 02 0600 18.0 N 41.0 W 1014 25 07 OCT 02 1200 18.0 N 42.0 W 1016 20 Note: I followed the remnants of Melissa past the final advisory due to the fact that convection continued to flare up in association with the system, which led to Dvorak numbers from SAB increasing briefly on 1 October. The remnant LOW continued to track generally northwestward across the Atlantic and was last referenced in a High Seas Forecast at 04/0600 UTC near 22N/50W. ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* NORTHEAST PACIFIC (NEP) - North Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 180 Sources of Information ---------------------- The track coordinates, central pressure and 1-minute average maximum sustained wind values were obtained from the operational forecast/advisories issued by the Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, for locations east of longitude 140W, and from the Central Pacific Hurricane Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, for locations west of longitude 140W. A 1-minute averaging period is the standard used by all U. S. civilian and military warning services for tropical cyclone warnings. Systems Tracked --------------- Hurricane IVO (12E) 18 - 24 Sep Tropical Depression (13E) 19 - 20 Sep Tropical Storm JULIETTE (14E) 29 Sep - 02 Oct ************************************************************************* Storm Name: IVO Cyclone Number: 12E Basin: NEP Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 18 1200 13.2 N 106.9 W 1007 25 07 SEP 18 1800 13.6 N 107.9 W 1006 30 07 SEP 19 0000 14.2 N 108.8 W 1005 40 07 SEP 19 0600 14.5 N 109.6 W 997 50 07 SEP 19 1200 15.1 N 110.7 W 994 55 07 SEP 19 1800 15.2 N 111.6 W 990 60 07 SEP 20 0000 15.8 N 112.1 W 987 65 07 SEP 20 0600 16.2 N 112.4 W 987 65 07 SEP 20 1200 16.8 N 112.7 W 987 65 07 SEP 20 1800 17.5 N 113.0 W 981 70 07 SEP 21 0000 18.4 N 113.3 W 981 70 07 SEP 21 0600 18.7 N 113.5 W 980 70 07 SEP 21 1200 19.3 N 113.6 W 987 65 07 SEP 21 1800 19.8 N 113.5 W 990 60 07 SEP 22 0000 20.2 N 113.2 W 994 55 07 SEP 22 0600 20.7 N 113.0 W 997 50 07 SEP 22 1200 21.1 N 112.8 W 997 50 07 SEP 22 1800 21.6 N 112.6 W 997 50 07 SEP 23 0000 21.9 N 112.0 W 999 45 07 SEP 23 0600 22.2 N 111.5 W 1001 40 07 SEP 23 1200 22.0 N 111.6 W 1007 30 Downgraded at 0900Z 07 SEP 23 1800 22.0 N 111.1 W 1007 25 Final NHC advisory 07 SEP 24 0000 22.0 N 111.0 W 1008 20 Remnant LOW 07 SEP 24 0600 22.0 N 110.0 W 1010 20 07 SEP 24 1200 22.0 N 110.0 W 1010 20 07 SEP 24 1800 22.0 N 110.0 W 1012 15 ************************************************************************* Storm Name: None Cyclone Number: 13E Basin: NEP Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 19 1200 17.0 N 127.4 W 1007 30 07 SEP 19 1800 17.4 N 128.4 W 1007 30 07 SEP 20 0000 17.8 N 129.1 W 1007 30 07 SEP 20 0600 17.7 N 129.5 W 1007 30 07 SEP 20 1200 17.8 N 130.0 W 1008 25 07 SEP 20 1800 17.8 N 130.3 W 1008 25 Note: The remnant LOW of TD-13E meandered around for several days with occasional flare-ups of convection, but never became re-organized enough to warrant resumption of advisories. By early on 25 September the remnant LOW had opened up into a trough from 14N to 21N along 130W. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: JULIETTE Cyclone Number: 14E Basin: NEP Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 29 0600 14.9 N 110.6 W 1006 30 07 SEP 29 1200 15.1 N 111.2 W 1006 30 07 SEP 29 1800 16.1 N 111.8 W 1003 35 07 SEP 30 0000 16.5 N 111.9 W 1003 35 07 SEP 30 0600 17.2 N 112.4 W 1003 35 07 SEP 30 1200 18.1 N 112.7 W 1002 40 07 SEP 30 1800 19.2 N 113.7 W 1000 45 07 OCT 01 0000 19.9 N 114.5 W 1000 45 07 OCT 01 0600 20.6 N 114.6 W 1001 45 07 OCT 01 1200 21.4 N 115.3 W 1002 40 07 OCT 01 1800 22.4 N 115.4 W 1004 35 07 OCT 02 0000 23.1 N 115.7 W 1006 25 Final NHC advisory 07 OCT 02 0730 23.4 N 116.0 W 1008 20 From TWD/Remnant LOW Note: The remnant LOW of Juliette remained quasi-stationary for a day or so following issuance of the last advisory, then began drifting toward the south or southeast. By the morning of the 4th it had become quite weak and diffuse. ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* NORTHWEST PACIFIC (NWP) - North Pacific Ocean West of Longitude 180 Sources of Information ---------------------- The track coordinates and 1-minute average maximum sustained wind values in general were taken from operational warnings issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) of the U. S. Air Force and Navy, located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The central pressure and 10-minute average maximum sustained wind estimates for most systems were obtained from warnings issued by the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA), which is the World Meteorological Organization's Regional Specialised Meteor- ological Centre for the basin. In a few instances, information from warnings issued by other Asian warning centers may have been utilized. The center position coordinates from JMA and other centers were com- pared with those from JTWC and annotations made in the Remarks column when the differences in general amounted to 40-50 nm or more. Michael V. Padua of Naga City in the Philippines, owner of the Typhoon 2000 website, sends me cyclone tracks based upon warnings issued by the Japanese Meteorological Agency and the Philippines' Atmospheric, Geophysical & Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). A special thanks to Michael for his efforts. Systems Tracked --------------- Tropical Storm DANAS (11W / 0710) 06 - 17 Sep Tropical Depression 09 - 14 Sep Typhoon NARI (12W / 0711 / FALCON) 11 - 18 Sep Super Typhoon WIPHA (13W / 0712 / GORING) 15 - 21 Sep Tropical Depression (14W) 19 - 21 Sep Tropical Storm FRANCISCO (15W / 0713) 21 - 26 Sep Tropical Storm HANNA-Typhoon LEKIMA (16W / 0714) 27 Sep - 04 Oct ************************************************************************* Storm Name: DANAS Cyclone Number: 11W Basin: NWP PAGASA Internal Name: None JMA Tropical Storm Number: 0710 Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 06 0600 24.1 N 160.8 E 1006 30 JMA warnings 07 SEP 06 1200 24.0 N 160.5 E 1006 30 07 SEP 06 1800 24.6 N 159.9 E 1004 30 07 SEP 07 0000 25.7 N 157.7 E 1004 30 07 SEP 07 0600 26.3 N 157.0 E 1004 30 30 JMA: 26.7N/157.1E 07 SEP 07 1200 27.3 N 156.2 E 1002 35 35 07 SEP 07 1800 28.4 N 155.2 E 1002 35 35 07 SEP 08 0000 29.4 N 153.9 E 1000 40 40 07 SEP 08 0600 30.2 N 152.7 E 998 45 45 07 SEP 08 1200 30.7 N 151.1 E 998 50 45 JMA: 30.3N/151.4E 07 SEP 08 1800 31.2 N 150.4 E 998 50 45 07 SEP 09 0000 32.1 N 149.4 E 998 50 45 07 SEP 09 0600 33.2 N 148.7 E 998 50 45 07 SEP 09 1200 34.3 N 148.5 E 998 50 45 07 SEP 09 1800 35.5 N 148.2 E 994 55 50 07 SEP 10 0000 36.6 N 148.8 E 994 55 50 07 SEP 10 0600 38.2 N 150.2 E 994 60 50 07 SEP 10 1200 39.3 N 152.2 E 994 60 50 07 SEP 10 1800 40.5 N 154.6 E 994 60 50 07 SEP 11 0000 41.3 N 158.1 E 994 55 50 07 SEP 11 0600 41.7 N 161.0 E 994 50 JMA warnings 07 SEP 11 1200 40.8 N 164.0 E 994 45 07 SEP 11 1800 40.0 N 168.0 E 996 40 Extratropical 07 SEP 12 0000 40.0 N 170.0 E 996 40 07 SEP 12 0600 40.0 N 173.0 E 996 40 07 SEP 12 1200 40.0 N 176.0 E 1004 35 07 SEP 12 1800 40.0 N 179.0 E 1000 35 07 SEP 13 0000 42.0 N 178.0 W 1000 35 OPC warnings 07 SEP 13 0600 43.0 N 174.0 W 998 40 07 SEP 13 1200 44.0 N 171.0 W 996 40 07 SEP 13 1800 45.0 N 167.0 W 994 40 07 SEP 14 0000 46.0 N 163.0 W 994 40 07 SEP 14 0600 47.0 N 159.0 W 994 40 07 SEP 14 1200 49.0 N 155.0 W 992 40 07 SEP 14 1800 52.0 N 150.0 W 990 45 07 SEP 15 0000 55.0 N 145.0 W 986 50 07 SEP 15 0600 57.0 N 143.0 W 986 50 07 SEP 15 1200 59.0 N 141.0 W 986 45 07 SEP 15 1800 60.0 N 144.0 W 983 45 Relocation 07 SEP 16 0000 60.0 N 144.0 W 988 40 07 SEP 16 0600 59.0 N 144.0 W 992 45 07 SEP 16 1200 60.0 N 142.0 W 1000 30 07 SEP 16 1800 59.0 N 140.0 W 1000 30 07 SEP 17 0000 58.0 N 137.0 W 1004 30 ************************************************************************* Storm Name: None Cyclone Number: None Basin: NWP PAGASA Internal Name: None JMA Tropical Storm Number: None Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 09 0600 24.0 N 124.0 E 1006 25 JMA warnings 07 SEP 09 1200 24.0 N 125.0 E 1008 25 07 SEP 09 1800 24.0 N 125.0 E 1006 25 07 SEP 10 0000 25.0 N 126.0 E 1006 25 07 SEP 10 0600 25.0 N 127.0 E 1006 25 07 SEP 10 1200 25.0 N 127.0 E 1006 25 07 SEP 10 1800 25.6 N 127.9 E 1004 30 07 SEP 11 0000 26.2 N 128.7 E 1002 30 07 SEP 11 0600 26.5 N 128.4 E 1002 30 07 SEP 11 1200 26.4 N 129.1 E 1002 30 07 SEP 11 1800 26.7 N 129.9 E 1000 30 07 SEP 12 0000 27.3 N 129.7 E 1000 30 07 SEP 12 0600 27.3 N 129.3 E 1000 30 07 SEP 12 1200 27.5 N 128.8 E 1002 30 07 SEP 12 1800 28.0 N 127.6 E 1000 30 07 SEP 13 0000 28.0 N 126.3 E 1004 30 07 SEP 13 0600 28.4 N 125.2 E 1002 30 07 SEP 13 1200 28.3 N 124.5 E 1002 30 07 SEP 13 1800 29.0 N 124.0 E 1004 25 07 SEP 14 0000 29.0 N 123.0 E 1004 25 07 SEP 14 0600 29.0 N 123.0 E 1004 25 ************************************************************************* Storm Name: NARI Cyclone Number: 12W Basin: NWP PAGASA Internal Name: FALCON JMA Tropical Storm Number: 0711 Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 11 1200 18.0 N 138.0 E 1004 25 JMA warnings 07 SEP 11 1800 18.9 N 138.1 E 1002 30 07 SEP 12 0000 19.2 N 137.4 E 1002 30 07 SEP 12 0600 20.2 N 136.6 E 1002 30 07 SEP 12 1200 20.3 N 136.1 E 1000 30 07 SEP 12 1800 21.5 N 134.6 E 1000 25 30 JMA: 20.8N/135.2E 07 SEP 13 0000 21.6 N 134.2 E 1000 30 30 07 SEP 13 0600 22.6 N 133.0 E 998 45 35 07 SEP 13 1200 23.3 N 131.9 E 992 55 45 07 SEP 13 1800 24.0 N 130.4 E 985 65 50 07 SEP 14 0000 24.3 N 129.1 E 970 65 65 07 SEP 14 0600 25.0 N 128.1 E 955 95 85 07 SEP 14 1200 25.7 N 127.2 E 945 115 90 07 SEP 14 1800 26.8 N 126.4 E 940 120 95 07 SEP 15 0000 27.8 N 126.1 E 940 120 95 07 SEP 15 0600 29.1 N 125.9 E 940 110 95 07 SEP 15 1200 30.0 N 126.2 E 945 95 90 07 SEP 15 1800 30.9 N 126.3 E 955 90 80 07 SEP 16 0000 32.3 N 126.6 E 960 85 75 07 SEP 16 0600 33.9 N 127.2 E 960 75 70 Near Cheju Do 07 SEP 16 1200 35.1 N 127.5 E 985 60 55 Inland in South Korea 07 SEP 16 1800 37.2 N 130.3 E 1000 35 JMA wrngs/Sea of Japan 07 SEP 17 0000 38.0 N 132.0 E 1004 35 Extratropical 07 SEP 17 0600 39.0 N 135.0 E 1004 35 07 SEP 17 1200 39.0 N 137.0 E 1004 35 07 SEP 17 1800 39.0 N 139.0 E 1008 35 07 SEP 18 0000 39.0 N 139.0 E 1014 30 07 SEP 18 0600 39.0 N 138.0 E 1014 25 07 SEP 18 1200 39.0 N 137.0 E 1016 20 07 SEP 18 1800 40.0 N 137.0 E 1016 20 ************************************************************************* Storm Name: WIPHA Cyclone Number: 13W Basin: NWP PAGASA Internal Name: GORING JMA Tropical Storm Number: 0712 Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 15 0000 19.0 N 134.0 E 1002 25 JMA bulletin 07 SEP 15 0600 19.9 N 132.7 E 998 25 30 07 SEP 15 1200 20.0 N 132.4 E 998 30 30 07 SEP 15 1800 20.1 N 131.7 E 996 30 30 07 SEP 16 0000 20.1 N 131.3 E 992 35 35 07 SEP 16 0600 20.4 N 130.7 E 990 45 40 07 SEP 16 1200 21.2 N 129.7 E 985 65 50 07 SEP 16 1800 22.0 N 128.7 E 980 65 55 07 SEP 17 0000 22.4 N 127.6 E 975 75 60 07 SEP 17 0600 22.9 N 126.7 E 960 90 75 07 SEP 17 1200 23.4 N 125.6 E 945 120 90 07 SEP 17 1800 23.9 N 124.5 E 930 130 100 07 SEP 18 0000 24.4 N 123.6 E 930 135 100 07 SEP 18 0600 25.6 N 122.6 E 930 130 100 07 SEP 18 1200 26.2 N 121.5 E 950 120 85 07 SEP 18 1800 27.1 N 120.6 E 960 100 75 Making landfall 07 SEP 19 0000 27.8 N 119.5 E 975 75 65 Inland in China 07 SEP 19 0600 28.9 N 118.9 E 985 50 50 07 SEP 19 1200 31.0 N 119.0 E 996 30 JMA warnings 07 SEP 19 1800 33.0 N 120.0 E 1002 25 07 SEP 20 0000 35.0 N 121.0 E 1002 25 Extratropical 07 SEP 20 0600 38.0 N 123.0 E 1004 35 In Yellow Sea 07 SEP 20 1200 39.0 N 124.0 E 1006 40 07 SEP 20 1800 39.0 N 126.0 E 1008 30 07 SEP 21 0000 39.0 N 128.0 E 1010 25 ************************************************************************* Storm Name: None Cyclone Number: 14W Basin: NWP PAGASA Internal Name: None JMA Tropical Storm Number: None Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 19 1200 9.0 N 138.0 E 1004 25 JMA warnings 07 SEP 19 1800 10.0 N 137.0 E 1006 25 07 SEP 20 0000 11.0 N 138.0 E 1008 25 07 SEP 20 0600 12.0 N 137.0 E 1006 25 07 SEP 20 1200 13.7 N 136.9 E 1008 30 25 07 SEP 20 1800 14.2 N 136.4 E 1008 30 25 07 SEP 21 0000 16.2 N 135.5 E 1008 30 25 JMA: 15.0N/136.0E 07 SEP 21 0600 16.0 N 134.5 E 1006 30 25 JMA: 15.0N/136.0E 07 SEP 21 1200 17.0 N 134.0 E 25 ************************************************************************* Storm Name: FRANCISCO Cyclone Number: 15W Basin: NWP PAGASA Internal Name: None JMA Tropical Storm Number: 0713 Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 21 1800 19.0 N 122.0 E 1002 25 JMA warnings 07 SEP 22 0600 19.0 N 119.0 E 1000 25 No data for 22/0000Z 07 SEP 22 1200 18.0 N 118.0 E 1000 30 07 SEP 22 1800 19.1 N 117.3 E 998 30 07 SEP 23 0000 19.6 N 115.9 E 996 25 30 07 SEP 23 0600 19.4 N 114.8 E 994 30 30 07 SEP 23 1200 19.2 N 113.9 E 992 35 35 07 SEP 23 1800 19.7 N 112.4 E 990 45 45 07 SEP 24 0000 19.8 N 111.3 E 990 45 45 07 SEP 24 0600 19.9 N 110.6 E 990 45 45 07 SEP 24 1200 19.8 N 109.4 E 994 35 35 07 SEP 24 1800 19.6 N 108.3 E 994 30 35 07 SEP 25 0000 19.5 N 107.8 E 996 25 35 Final JTWC warning 07 SEP 25 0600 19.6 N 107.6 E 1005 25 25 JTWC satellite bulletin 07 SEP 25 1200 20.2 N 106.9 E 1004 25 25 " 07 SEP 25 1800 21.0 N 105.0 E 1006 25 JMA bulletin 07 SEP 26 0000 20.0 N 104.0 E 1008 20 " ************************************************************************* Storm Name: LEKIMA Cyclone Number: 16W Basin: NWP PAGASA Internal Name: HANNA JMA Tropical Storm Number: 0714 Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 SEP 27 0000 14.0 N 136.0 E 1006 25 JMA warning 07 SEP 27 0600 13.6 N 134.0 E 1000 30 Relocation/PAGASA wrngs 07 SEP 27 1200 14.4 N 131.1 E 1000 30 JMA: 14.7N/131.8E 07 SEP 27 1800 14.6 N 129.5 E 1000 30 JMA: 15.0N/130.3E 07 SEP 28 0000 14.6 N 129.2 E 1000 30 JMA: 15.0N/129.5E 07 SEP 28 0600 15.4 N 126.3 E 997 35 JMA: 15N/128E - 25 kts 07 SEP 28 1200 15.7 N 124.9 E 997 35 JMA: 16N/126E - LPA 07 SEP 28 1800 16.2 N 123.2 E 997 35 JMA: 16N/124E - LPA 07 SEP 29 0000 16.4 N 122.5 E 1000 30 JMA: 17N/122E - 25 kts 07 SEP 29 0600 16.5 N 121.0 E 998 30 JMA: 17.0N/121.0E 07 SEP 29 1200 16.5 N 118.5 E 1000 30 JMA warnings 07 SEP 29 1800 16.0 N 117.3 E 996 30 07 SEP 30 0000 15.5 N 116.3 E 994 25 35 First JTWC warning 07 SEP 30 0600 14.9 N 114.5 E 992 35 40 JMA: 14.9N/115.0E 07 SEP 30 1200 14.6 N 113.7 E 992 45 40 07 SEP 30 1800 14.6 N 113.3 E 990 55 45 07 OCT 01 0000 14.9 N 113.2 E 980 55 55 JMA: 14.8N/112.7E 07 OCT 01 0600 15.8 N 112.9 E 980 55 55 07 OCT 01 1200 16.1 N 112.1 E 980 55 55 07 OCT 01 1800 16.3 N 111.8 E 980 55 55 07 OCT 02 0000 16.8 N 111.6 E 975 60 60 07 OCT 02 0600 17.3 N 110.7 E 975 70 60 07 OCT 02 1200 17.8 N 109.9 E 980 70 55 07 OCT 02 1800 18.0 N 109.1 E 980 70 50 07 OCT 03 0000 17.6 N 108.2 E 980 70 50 07 OCT 03 0600 17.6 N 107.3 E 980 65 55 07 OCT 03 1200 18.0 N 106.4 E 980 65 55 07 OCT 03 1800 18.0 N 105.4 E 992 45 45 Inland 07 OCT 04 0000 17.7 N 103.9 E 996 40 JMA warnings 07 OCT 04 0600 17.7 N 102.3 E 998 30 Coord from JTWC sat bul 07 OCT 04 1200 17.5 N 101.2 E 1002 25 " 07 OCT 04 1800 16.9 N 100.6 E 1004 20 " Note: Interestingly, while JMA weakened the system on 28 September and downgraded it to a low-pressure area (LPA), PAGASA upgraded Hanna to minimal tropical storm status. As I have usually done in past years, I have based the track on the warning agency reporting the highest intensity. During the phase of its life in the Philippine Sea, Hanna was a broad, monsoon depression-type of tropical cyclone; hence, it is not surprising that there are significant differences in center position between the two agencies. Jose Garcia of Puerto Rico reports that a check of QuikScat data about six hours before landfall in Luzon revealed some 30-35 kt vectors, so it appears likely that gale-force winds were present in Hanna when it made landfall in the Philippines. Remarks in the JTWC SWTOs on 29 September suggest that the old LLCC dissipated east of the Philippines and that the surface development in the South China Sea was a new LLCC forming under the mid-level center of the old disturbance. However, both JMA's and PAGASA's warnings show continuity, tracking the former TD/TS Hanna across Luzon, so I have followed those agencies with the above track. ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* !!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE - PLEASE READ !!!!!! To repeat the caveat which is included in the Author's Note at the end of the cyclone summaries--the tropical cyclone tracks I prepare are based upon the operational warnings/advisories/ advices/bulletins which are issued by the various tropical cyclone warning agencies around the world. Users of these tracks should be aware that they are preliminary and subject to revision during post-seasonal analyses of the cyclones by the forecasters and analysts at the several warning centers. For the Atlantic and Northeast Pacific basins, official tropical cyclone reports and "best tracks" can be found at the website of the Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center:> The Joint Typhoon Warning Center's website contains links to their Annual Tropical Cyclone Reports which include that agency's "best tracks" for tropical cyclones in the Northwest Pacific basin, the North Indian Ocean, and the Southern Hemisphere:> SPECIAL NOTE: Back issues of the global tropical cyclone summaries and monthly cyclone track files can be obtained at the following websites:>>>>> PREPARED BY: Gary Padgett [email protected] SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS BY: Michael V. Padua [email protected] [email protected] ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *************************************************************************
Document: trak0709.htm
Updated: 9th October 2007 |
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