NSW Northern Rivers Daily Rainfall for the March 1964 Floods (second event)

- Lismore Flood Pictures and Wilsons River Flood Height Information
- Wilsons River at Eltham flood heights
- Coopers Creek at Corndale flood heights
- Leycester Creek at Rock Valley flood heights

Rainfall figures are 24 hours to 9am on the date shown in millimetres. Click the Station Number links for a location map of the rainfall station.

058066    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
AFTERLEE POST OFFICE                      0      0   13.0   61.0    2.5    1.8      78.3

058000    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
ALSTONVILLE POST OFFICE                   0      0   55.1   68.1     -      -      123.2

058131    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
ALSTONVILLE TROPICAL FRUIT RESEARCH       0    1.8   50.8   50.8      0    4.6     108.0

058001    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
BALLINA (CROWLEY VILLAGE)                 0    6.6   38.1     -    29.0     -       73.7

058002    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
BANGALOW (FOWLERS LANE)                   0      0  113.3     -    49.0     -      162.3

058005    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
BRAYS CREEK (MISTY MOUNTAIN)              0      0   34.3   94.0    6.9    8.1     143.3

058065    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
BROADWATER SUGAR MILL                     0      0   84.8   18.8      0    2.8     106.4

058006    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
BRUSHGROVE (CLARENCE ST)                  0      0   29.2      0      0      0      29.2

058009    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
BYRON BAY (CAPE BYRON LIGHTHOUSE)         0     .3  104.4   20.6     .5    4.6     130.4

058007    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
BYRON BAY (JACARANDA DRIVE)               0      0  113.8     -      -      -      113.8

058008    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CALLIOPE PUBLIC SCHOOL                    0    3.3    4.3      0    8.9    7.6      24.1

058063    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CASINO AIRPORT                            0    1.5   34.3     -    45.7     -       81.5

058010    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CASTILLE                                  0      0   12.2   46.2    6.6    3.0      68.0

058036    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CHILLINGHAM (LIMPINWOOD)                4.1   25.4   76.5    9.7   14.7      0     130.4

058011    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CHILLINGHAM                               0      0   27.9   69.9     -   123.2     221.0

058127    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CLUNES (FLATLEY DRIVE)                    0      0   50.8   69.9      0    5.1     125.8

058013    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CONDONG SUGAR MILL                        0      0   45.7   92.2   26.2   23.1     187.2

058014    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
COPMANHURST POST OFFICE                   0    1.8      0   15.2    5.1    6.4      28.5

058015    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CORAKI (RICHMOND TERRACE)                 0      0   56.6   41.1    4.1    3.0     104.8

058018    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
CUMBALUM (FAIRVIEW)                       0   34.0   67.3   24.1     .8    6.9     133.1

058019    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
DOON DOON (MCCABES ROAD)                  0      0   89.2  159.8    5.3   17.8     272.1

058072    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
FEDERAL POST OFFICE                       0      0   96.5   73.2    3.3   13.2     186.2

058075    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
GLENUGIE                                  0      0    1.5   10.7    7.4    1.5      21.1

058024    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
GRAFTON CITY COUNCIL                      0    2.3    2.5    3.3    5.1     .3      13.5

058026    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
GREVILLIA (SUMMERLAND WAY)                0      0   13.5   53.6    5.6    2.5      75.2

058027    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
HARWOOD ISLAND (HARWOOD SUGAR MILL)       0     .3   29.2   20.1    3.3      0      52.9

058074    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
KANGAROO CREEK (JALOOM)                   0      0      0    8.1      0    2.0      10.1

058031    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
KUNGHUR POST OFFICE                       0      0   25.4   47.2    5.1    8.9      86.6

058032    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
KYOGLE POST OFFICE                        0      0   21.6     -    93.5     -      115.1

058069    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
LARNOOK                                   0      0   37.3   81.3    1.3   17.8     137.7

058033    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
LAWRENCE POST OFFICE                      0      0   14.2    3.6    5.1     -       22.9

058148    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
LILLIAN ROCK (WILLIAMS ROAD)              0      0   36.1  101.9    6.9   11.7     156.6

058037    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
LISMORE (CENTRE STREET)                   0     .5   95.0   48.3     .5    2.5     146.8

058071    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
LISMORE (GOONELLEBAH)                     0     .5   96.5   48.3     .5    2.5     148.3

058038    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
MACLEAN (MCLACHLAN STREET)                0    1.0   13.2     -    20.1     -       34.3

058039    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
MOUNT PIKAPENE FORESTRY                   0    1.5    1.0    9.1    3.0    4.1      18.7

058040    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
MULLUMBIMBY (FAIRVIEW FARM)               0      0  146.8   55.1    5.6    7.6     215.1

058004    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
MUMMULGUM (BINGEEBEEBRA)                  0      0      0    4.8    9.9      0      14.7

058020    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
MURWILLUMBAH (DUNGAY (TALESWOOD))         0      0   33.0  118.9   35.1   21.8     208.8

058042    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
MURWILLUMBAH POST OFFICE                  0      0   51.3     -   139.2     -      190.5

058044    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
NIMBIN POST OFFICE                        0      0   58.9  121.9    5.6   10.7     197.1

058045    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
NYMBOIDA (SUTTON ST)                      0      0      0     .3    5.1    2.5       7.9

058050    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
ROSEBERRY STATE FOREST NURSERY            0      0   13.7   60.7    5.8    4.1      84.3

058025    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
SOUTH GRAFTON POST OFFICE                 0    3.3     .8     -      -      -        4.1

058052    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
TABBIMOBILE STATE FOREST                  0    1.8   45.7   67.3      0    6.9     121.7

058053    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
TATHAM                                    0    1.8   45.7      0   71.6      0     119.1

058067    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
TOMEWIN (BORDER GATE)                     0      0   41.4  129.3   85.9   30.7     287.3

058056    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
TWEED HEADS GOLF CLUB                     0      0   87.9     -    80.0     -      167.9

058057    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
TYALGUM (WANUNGARA VIEW)                  0   27.9   95.3    5.1      0      0     128.3

058059    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
ULMARRA (NEWSAGENCY)                      0      0    4.6      0   13.7     -       18.3

058081    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
UPPER MONGOGARIE (KIMBERLEY)              0    9.7      0   16.3    3.0      0      29.0

058060    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
WHIAN WHIAN (RUMMERY PARK)                0      0  151.1  114.3   22.9    7.6     295.9

058061    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
WOODBURN (CEDAR ST)                       0      0   49.8   57.2    1.3     -      108.3

058080    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
WOOLI BEACH                               0      0   14.2    5.1    7.1     -       26.4

058012    Mar 1964                       24     25     26     27     28     29     TOTAL
YAMBA PILOT STATION                       0    1.5   37.6   18.8      0    3.6      61.5

Values with "-" indicate no observation was made and either the data is not available at all, or the amount following the missing data is an accumulation over those dates.

Daily rainfall data sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology.

Document: rainfall_58_19640302.htm
Updated: 13 August 2020
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